Our school council is comprised of parents, the principal, staff and sometimes community members. The school council assists in setting the educational policy of a school. To be a part of the council you don’t need any particular qualifications or experience – schools look for enthusiastic people who want to help improve the learning outcomes for all students. Elections to school council positions are completed by the end of March each year. All parents or guardians of students enrolled at the school are eligible to vote for candidates wanting to participate on the school council.
Our school council sub-committees are:
Buildings and Grounds
This sub-committee is responsible for the planning and development of the school grounds. They help to coordinate working bees and the maintenance of the ground.
The finance sub-committee helps in the planning of an overall budget for the year and achieving set budget targets. It meets monthly to monitor the schools finances and to go over the detailed finance reports that are presented to School Council.
This sub-committee maintains policies and procedures within the school as well as monitoring curriculum development. This committee meets monthly to discuss concerns, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development initiatives and further development.
This sub-committee looks at lifting the profile of our school within the local community. It meets monthly to discuss events and successes and how to best share these in the community.
School Council Election Results
Our 2023 election has taken place and we are pleased to announce that the following people have been elected to the Launching Place Primary School Council.
Parent Representatives
Gemma Wynd - President
Jessica Paterson - Vice president
Annie Tinkler - Treasurer
Emma Roberts
Simone Cicchelli
Bronwyn Page
Melissa Jones
DET Representatives
Laura Caddy - Principal
Audrey Watt – Minute Secretary
Jacqui Eycken
Brydie Tatterson
School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. Participating as a school council member is a rewarding and challenging experience. The school council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. We thank our representatives for their support.
Copyright Launching Place Primary School